Wednesday, May 27, 2020

When should babies start speaking?


Today we will discuss the topic that when children start speaking and when should parents be worried.

Normal Speech and language milestones are as follows:

6-7 month babies starts babbling
/a/,/i/,/u/ at age of 6-7 months

Babies start producing vowel-like sounds /a/, /i/, / /u/ besides this /p/, /m/, /b/.

                                                       11-12 months
By 12 months of age, babies start speaking their first words ( da-da or ma-ma or pa-pa or bye-bye)

Starts speaking 3 or more words with some consistency.

                                                       16-18 months

Consistently starts speaking up to 10 words

Consonants like "T, D, W, N, H' are used frequently

More words are used than gestures. ( tells some body parts, can speak his/her name)
Zcare,when does baby start speaking
Child speaking age

                                                       22-24 months
Now the baby can join words and make 2-word or 3-word sentences.

The speaking vocabulary is around 20 words.

                                                      27-30 months
Names at least one color correctly.

Starts speaking major body parts, two or more numbers, Some alphabets.

                                                       3-4 years

Can identify major colors and name them, has a vocabulary of 1000 words, can speak 3-4 word sentences
Zcare,when should you worry if your child is not speaking
A child talking at 3

                                                        4-5 years
Can tell a story using words and gestures both, vocabulary up to 2000 words,  write numbers and alphabets.


This is a short overview of what and when do babies start speaking. This may vary a little as every child is different and so are there developmental milestones.

But if there is a very huge difference between the normal development chart and your child then you need to immediately consult a SPEECH THERAPIST or an AUDIOLOGIST.

Last but not the least Zcare (ZENETH HEALTH CARE) TEAM wishes our readers a very HAPPY EID.....EID MUBARAK 2020

Zcare, eid mubarak 2020, happy eid-ul-fitr 2020
Eid Mubarak


Zcare, coronavirus


Saturday, May 9, 2020

How we hear sound, hearing loss in children and adults, reasons and treatment

How we hear sound, hearing loss in children ,adults, reasons, tment
How we hear sound

कोई आवाज़ होती और हम तुरंत सुन लेते हैं , पर ये बहुत ही काम्प्लेक्स है. हमारा कान एक अनोखा ऑर्गन है। बाहर से जो भी आवाज़ होती है अंदर परदे पे टकराते हुए , तीन हडियों को हिलाते हुए  बिलकुल अंदरूनी कान में पहुँच जाती है जहाँ पर सुनने का एक और हिस्सा होता है जिसे हम COCHLEA कहते हैं। वहाँ  पर बिजली जैसा करंट पैदा होता है जो की हमारी सुनने वाली नस से होते हुए  दिमाग तक जाता है और इस प्रकार हम सुन्नते और समझते हैं. 

सुनाई में कमी के कुछ कारण बच्चों और बड़ो में हैं :-

1) जन्म से सुनाई में कमी 
2) बच्चे का न रोना या लेट रोना जब वो पैदा होता है  
3) दिमागी बुखार 
4) सर या कान में किसी तरह की गहरी चोट लगना 
5) शोर वाली जगह में ज्यादा रहना 
6) मोबाइल बहुत ज्यादा इस्तेमाल करना 

ये कुछ कारण है जिनकी वजह से सुनने की क्षमता काम हो जाती है और बच्चे काफी लेट बोलते है या साफ़ नहीं  बोलते।  उसी तरह बड़ों को टीवी देखते हुए , फ़ोन पे बात करते हुए दिक्कत आने लगती है।

अगर इनमे से कोई भी लक्षण हमे दिखाई दे तो तुरंत अपने ऑडिओलॉजिस्ट से संपर्क करें सारे टेस्ट्स करवाएं और रिपोर्ट के अनुसार जो भी आपको सलाह दी जाए वो करें.

बच्चों में सर्जरी जिसे हम COCHLEAR  इम्प्लांट कहते वो होता है या फिर कान की मशीन भी लगती है

बड़ों में ज्यादातर मशीन ही लगती है.

महत्वपूर्ण बात:- सुनने की समस्या होने पर अपने ऑडिओलॉजिस्ट से सलाह लें उनपे पूरा विश्वास रखें। 

How we hear sound, hearing loss in children, adults ,reasons, treatment
Hearing loss in children and adults

Friday, May 1, 2020

What is communication / its disorders /what age it affects / symptoms / who are the professional guides and treatment


Today I would like to spread awareness about what communication is, its disorders. So in layman language communication is an interaction between two or more people that means what we talk and what we express is communication

 And in today's society, it is utmost important to have good communication skills whether it be for a school going child, a college student, or and an adult.
According to a survey among the skills like sports, art, and music, reading and writing the most important skill is communication. There are two primary elements of communication
a) SPEECH Speech is what we talk or words we speak

b) LANGUAGE Language is the meaning of what we speak or express through our gestures or body 

Though people are well educated still there exists a large population who are unaware of early symptoms of communication problems. Some of the causes of communication issues are - Medical problems like stroke, accident affecting speech-language areas in brain, etc., learning disability, autism, hearing loss by birth or due to ageing, environmental factors and so on. Some speech-language disorders are
Stuttering / Stammering- a person stops many a time while speaking
Misarticulation- Unclear speech for example balloon is replaced as badoon
Puberphonia- Generally seen in young males whose voice quality changes between 14-15 years of age but is able to
Aphasia- Language problem may be due to accident or stroke in which speech-language areas are affected in the brain
Hearing loss- It can affect any age group

For these communication problems, there are both formal and informal tests for diagnosis of the kind and severity of problem. after which the treatment plan begins. So if we are aware somewhat about such problems we can too contribute in spreading awareness.

How to test newborn hearing at home? #Zcare

नमस्ते  आज हम छोटे बच्चों में होने वाले टेस्ट्स के बारे में बात करेंगे  जब एक बच्चा पैदा होता है बहुत सारे ब्लड टेस्ट्स किये जाते हैं और साथ...